Cultivating Connection
Strong parent- child connections are crucial, not only in boosting self esteem but also in supporting a foundation for healthy development.
All children should have access to quality therapy. Together as a community we can become stronger. We need each other and our children need us. And that’s what this is all about. Welcome, Wayfinders! Let’s change the world.

Rhythm and Timing are Part of What Makes us Human
Can you picture that sweet, sweet moment in infancy where a baby starts to move their body up and down to dance after they hit a button on a musical toy? As far as we can tell, humans are the only species to hear, interpret, and understand music and its components including rhythm, melody, and harmony.

Occupational Therapy in the School Setting: Supporting Student Success
Occupational therapy is a field where compassion, science, and creativity meet. School-based occupational therapists can help students successfully and joyfully participate in all areas of their school day by focusing on what is important to the student and their team. Waypoint is excited to now offer this therapy!

Executive Function Skills: The Basis For All Learning
It’s midnight. Well past your bedtime, and definitely well past your teenager’s bedtime. Yet, the two of you are awake, desperately putting together a project that’s due tomorrow. Your teen came to you only three hours ago in tears, stressed about what to do and how to get started, pleading for help.

An Invitation
Something magical happened this summer that was an “aha” moment for me. One of those simple things that stops you in your tracks and makes you wonder, how did we not think of this before?

Finding Your Way This Summer
It is hard to believe that the school year is coming to a close and summer is right around the corner! A little bit of planning can help your family find your way this summer.

Intervention, Reimagined!
Waypoint is unique in that it brings tier 3 level support into the school day. There is no need to lengthen a student’s hours or cut into extracurriculars or family time!

Early Literacy Skills
Early literacy skills are naturally embedded in many playful activities you likely already do with your child. Shared in this post, are some small steps you can take to intentionally create rich literature experiences.

The Power in Visualization
We use visualization every day, likely without even realizing. Research shows that our brain cannot differentiate between a visualization and something that we actually perform. Using this superpower with students yields meaningful connections and deeper, more permanent memory storage.

Finding the JOY in Homework
For many, the novelty of the first weeks of school is waning and parents may begin to see some pushback regarding school, specifically homework. Every child is different and what works for one does not necessarily work for the next. Setting the expectations early in the school year is important. Try a few of these strategies if homework is being met with resistance:

Easing into the Start of School
The summer seems to be flying by and, before we know it, the first day of school will be here! Children can carry many different feelings as the new school year approaches. Watching your child navigate strong emotions can be hard.

Tips for Reluctant Writers
There are three areas that can be soft spots when it comes to written expression. Let’s take a closer look at those areas and discover some techniques that may help your child to be more successful in each!

The Tiers of Intervention
Response to Intervention, or RTI, refers to the framework many schools implement in order to support and best meet the needs of diverse learners. In the RTI format, there are 3 tiers, or levels, of academic or behavioral support.