A Team Approach
The journey for students is streamlined and most effective when everyone working with that student has a clear understanding of progress and goals. By combining support from a trained interventionist, teachers, and parents, we’ll work to build confidence from all sides so students can feel empowered and find success quickly.
We all want the best for your child. Let’s get on the same team.
Intervention should not require sacrificing the joy of play or downtime.
Students stay at their school and receive one-on-one support embedded in their school day. Parents and teachers are in direct contact with Waypoint through weekly progress reports and conversations. This means you don’t have to worry about transportation to and from another setting during the school day or after school during precious play or family time. Student support is occurring when students' minds are fresh and receptive rather than after a full school day.
Areas of Expertise
Is your child lacking confidence in written expression, size and formation, spelling and organizing words on a page or has a diagnosed reading difference like dyslexia? We use systematic research-based reading strategies, like the Wilson Reading System, a structured literacy program based on phonological-coding research and Orton-Gillingham principles.
If you are seeing your child struggle with number concepts, calculation, math reasoning and problem solving we will put together a plan to build their confidence and skill set in mathematics.
Executive Function
With thoughtful coaching, students can practice organizational, time management and study skills to improve memory, flexible thinking and self-control. We give students the strategies they need to create productive habits and routines.
Speech and Language
Are you able to understand your child but others have difficulty? Does your child get frustrated when others are not able to understand them? Maybe your child has difficulty finding the words they want to say or speaking in complete sentences. Has your child's teacher recommended a speech evaluation? We can help!
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy can help your child develop an understanding of timing, coordination, and body awareness. Support in this area can improve fine and gross motor skills, visual integration skills, sensory processing and integration, postural strengthening, executive functioning, and praxis abilities. We use a strengths-based perspective, meeting students with compassion.